Project Updates

Spring 2023 Update
Greetings! We made it through winter and we have a lot of exciting updates for you. With the newest IPCC report just released, I am more fired-up than ever to distribute this film and spread the word about the importance of climate change activism. Here is a summary of what we have been up to recently…

October 2022 Update
A lot has been happening since my last update in August. Most notably, we had a big private screening for over 100 friends of the film. We were lucky to have 4 of the main subjects of the documentary for a Q and A discussion after the film. It was a really powerful evening with lots of emotions, tears, and applause.

Oil and Gas Election Tactics Investigated by US Congress
[Video] On September 14, 2022, the US Congressional House Committee for Natural Resources hosted a hearing titles “The Role of Public Relations Firms in Preventing Action on Climate Change”. Anne Lee Foster, one of the main subjects of Fracking the System, was invited to testify about her experience with Colorado Rising during their 2018 ballot initiative campaign election, and the targeted harassment and political sabotage they faced. This is the same central story told in the film and a reminder that the tactics we documented in 2018 are a harbinger of things to come unless we take action.

Yellowscene Magazine profiles filmmaker Brian Hedden and Fracking the System
“Brian Hedden is more than a documentarian. He’s an activist, a journalist, a badass. His most recent work is still in the editing stage but is a film called Fracking the System: Colorado’s Oil and Gas War. Produced by Hedden’s company, Earth Dog Films, the film is about the devastation the oil and gas industry causes in our beautiful state and the brave souls fighting against it…”